Hello Folks!
Do you ever find yourself browsing the internet only to be sucked into it’s black hole of photos and information? Well, that very often (read “daily”) happens to me and I end up searching for things I didn’t even know interested me. Well, in this case all I needed was one photo of a vintage interior and I became obsessed with searching for vintage photos of interiors from the 1930’s – 1970’s.
I absolutely love looking through all of these photos and seeing so much of the artwork and accessories and even some furniture are what we look for when shopping for the store. Â And it’s even more fantastic to see that so many design elements never really go out of style. Â I mean seriously, don’t you just want to hang at the lake house with the folks above;) Â I know I sure do. Â Especially when it’s 20 degrees in January.
Cheers to a vintage life well lived!
Jessica and Julie