Well, it’s been a short minute since I last posted on the blog. Or I guess a year and a half? Whoopsie! I have intentions of posting regularly, but never set aside the time for the task. Feels like I do that for so many aspects of life. This is my attempt to get caught up. Let’s see…we all remember that little ole’ two and a half years with Covid right? Well the good news is, we made it through it personally and professionally. The shop hardly skipped a beat on Main Street. Things were moving along swimmingly with the shop bursting at the seams with products and customers. In October of 2021, as I was just set to sign a lease for my Main Street space, a space FOUR TIMES the size became available right around the corner on Pennsylvania Avenue. Shawn Sargent Designs was moving to a different location, so I bugged the building owner for the next few days, looked at the space, began dreaming, and the rest is history. We moved in about two weeks later on Halloween weekend, smack dab through the middle of the Halloween parade!

It didn’t take long to begin filling the space up. One by one, we opened up the little rooms as we dug through bins, my garage, my basement…Moving during the height of the holiday season was CRAZY, but we made it through and boy did it come in handy having space to move around in! To look around and see 20-30 people shopping around with room to walk! I love the building, the two story exposed ceilings, the big front (yet drafty) window…Though I miss my old neighbors, The Bookstore, String Theory, Joe the Hot Dog Guy…I have loved being on the block with Ten Thousand Villages and Treasure House. They have been so welcoming.

Stop in and see the expansion. More cards, more clothes, pottery…you name it. Our new address is 501 Pennsylvania Avenue, next to Ten Thousand Villages and across the street from the Glen Ellyn Fire Department.

Thanks for sticking with us for 11 1/2 years. I am humbled and grateful.