Well, it’s been another minute since I’ve posted. I have every intent, but it’s how I roll…Not much has happened in the last year right? Oh wait…we’re still in the Pandemic of 2020, and civil unrest is more prevalent than any other time in my 51 trips around the Sun. Over the past presidential cycle, America feels more divided than ever.
It’s A LOT to take in… A LOT to think about…to worry about. It feels like rock bottom at times when you turn on the news, but hopefully WE as a nation can recover. We have to…what other choice do we have? I know that I personally have opened my heart…opened my ears…and opened my mind up to the reality that I am pretty damn fortunate to have been born into the privleges that come along with having white skin. I have taken it for granted, lived in a bubble, and it’s time to sit back and listen. Sit back and learn…sit back and reflect…and most importantly…to stand up and act. I WILL make changes and stand up against racism when I see it…when I unknowingly contribute to it…so that the society we live in is equitable for ALL. One person can’t fix the world, but I sure as shit will be part of the solution and not the problem. IT TAKES A VILLAGE.

What have we been up to?
The lockdown seemed like it would never end. Overnight, some ten plus weeks ago, I found myself closing up my little brick and mortar and realizing changes would need to be made to keep afloat. I quickly took to Facebook and Instagram and sold my wares. With the help of friends and family and the Williams boys, we delivered close to 200 orders during that time period. I began working with a web designer to help build an online shop, which is SO CLOSE to being launched. Stay tuned for that!

I can’t begin to thank those who have supported small businesses since this has all began. We’ve been fortunate to have moved on to Phase III (geez that still sounds so SCI-FI) and have reopened this past week. With new safety protocols in place, we are doing our best to be safe for everyone who enters our door. Masks are required, sanitizer is aplenty, and social distancing is key.

We’ve opened back up, stocked the shelves with new items, with a shit ton more on the way. We hope you will stop in and say hello! We’ve missed you.