OK…maybe I haven’t actually posted in three years, three months, and 27 days…but who’s counting? Initially, I couldn’t figure out what website to go to actually post…then about a year and a quarter in, I figured out that it was WordPress. For the life of me, it has taken me another year and a half to figure out the username and password. Eventually, I gave in and 37 seconds later reset the whole damn thing! Here I am, ready to post. Before sharing mesmerizing pictures that will bring tears to your eyes, I will reintroduce myself and recap the last 3 years, 3 months and 27 days…

I spent a good 40 minutes looking through random photos on my laptop and couldn’t find one where I didn’t look like I had been up for 17 hours and not used moisturizer in years. Another 20 minutes and I thought I had figured out how to rotate the picture and find out it rotated back…So this is a picture that represents me…slightly off, partially disheveled, but looking onward and upward (get it, the pic has me looking up…)
My name is Julie Spiller and I have owned Gather & Collect just shy of 8 years, 4 months. Boy have there been some ups and downs over the years, but I still enjoy what I do. Maybe not the storing it all over my garage and basement and living room and dining room and…you get the gist. A lot goes into owning a business. A LOT…A lot of time, effort, money, sweat equity, and HELP. Huge shoutout to the friends and family that make it possible.
Gather & Collect has changed a lot over the years. Where I started out the venture the first three years with a business partner and sweet friend, Jessica Moran, of @jessicamoraninteriors, I assumed the whole shabang back in 2014. Over time, I have shifted focus, shifted products, added in some snark and for better or for worse, some personality.
The tag line is still Gather & Collect…a place of vintage. I still feel that remains true. Vintage means more than just “antiques” or “aged”. To me, it’s a mix of old school, flashbacks, good vibes, memories, yester year… and so much more. My first few years I painted and sold a lot of furniture. To be honest, it became too hard to keep up with. You know when you feel stressed that you sold a few pieces, it’s time to shift gears.
Now I focus on smaller, more manageable goods. This allows me more time to thrift! I offer an eclectic mix of unique, original artwork, pottery, brassware, classic books, lamps, industrial finds, upcycled treasures, global goods…yadayadayada. I have expanded my lines to include local makers, from jewelry to soaps to candles to honey to stationery…the list goes on. The shop offers a curated collection of boho clothing, purses, scarves, ties, linens, wallets…
Maybe two or so years ago, I added “potentially offensives” to lighten the mood during the election and its current aftermath. Patches, pins, stickers, mugs, glasses, inappropriate cards, naughty pencils…political satire. I know my sense of humor may be offensive to some, and I can appreciate that. My intent is pure…to offer a chuckle here and there in hopes that it may lighten things up and you will share kindness with the next stranger you come across in your day.
That’s it…we’re all caught up! I’ll touch base in three or so years! Just kidding…I’m always posting on Instagram and Facebook, but I’m going to make every effort to post here more often. My goal is to offer items for sale online in the next few months (though for me, that may be next year). Thank you for your continued support of our little village, of my little shop, and for the memories you helped create. It really does take a village.
cheers to a life well lived…Julie