Beautiful quilt for a good cause.

I love it when I come across something so beautiful, so inspiring and then find out it’s all in the name of making the world a better place, one vintage tea towel at a time.

As I was doing my daily morning read of the blogosphere, I came across this beautiful quilt and the very creative lady behind it.  Check out her blog Made by Mosey and be prepared to be inspired.  Better yet, she will enter your name into a raffle for this quilt if you take the time to donate to a cause very important to her.  Check out her blog for all the info.

So many wonderful, creative ideas and not enough hours in the day or days in the week.

Cheers to a vintage life well lived.

Jessica and Julie

Before and After

Now this was not created by any of the Gather and Collect folks, but I just love a great DIY, and this before and after is too cool not to share.

(More info found here)

Super cool, right?!!  Now, how many times have you seen an old door sitting by the side of the road???  Probably too many to count.  Well, maybe next time instead of driving by, you’ll stop, load it in the car and use a little elbow grease to DIY a creation of your own.  Another vintage piece rescued from the dump.

Happy Monday and Cheers to a vintage life well lived.

Jessica and Julie

Have I mentioned???

Have I mentioned we have chairs?  Very cool vintage chairs.  Lots of them.  And you need them…like now.  I swear.

               (image from here)

You can thank us later;)

Happy Friday folks,

Jessica and Julie

Scarf goodness

I can’t believe it has been a full week since my last post.  I really have no good excuse except for the fact that I needed to spend the past week enjoying the last few days of summer break with my kids.  Now that they’re off to school (at least the older two) for most of the day, I’m hoping you will see me here in blogland more often.

As I was at the store tonight doing some last minute rearranging, I was looking around at all the BEAUTIFUL scarves we have in the store.  So, I started thinking about all the things you can do with scarves.  Really the possibilities are endless.  Take a look…

Vintage scarves as artwork.

Beautiful, beautiful curtains.  Or maybe even a shower curtain.  This is probably one of my favorites.

OK, maybe this is my favorite.  Or at least a close runner up.  Simply stunning.

And of course you could create a beautiful pillow from a vintage scarf.

Or you could use them simply as is and let them casually drape over hooks as they patiently wait to be used once again.  They really are beautiful as is.  If you are more of a traditionalist and prefer to use vintage scarves for their intended purposes, maybe this diagram is more up your alley.

Come on in this weekend and have a peek at our vast collections of scarves.  And never be afraid to think outside of the box.  You just might surprise yourself…

Cheers to a vintage life well lived,

Jessica and Julie



A bit of leisure.

Now that the weather has mellowed out a a bit and the kids are heading back to school,

I'm in the mood to do a little of this…

Chloe on Goeland

Doesn't she look so relaxed and carefree. As soon as everyone heads back to school next week I'm jumping on my bike and riding to who knows where. Doesn't really matter as long as I'm back by the time they get home from school;) Who's game???

vintage bike by black slim devil

vintage bikes

vintage bike

I didn't own my first car till I was 25.  My husband and I biked everywhere year round, and we became really good at navigating traffic in the city.  Ah, the simpler days.

No, we don't sell any of the beauties at our store, but I've been on the look out for a beautiful vintage bike for myself, so I'm keeping my eyes peeled on all my store shopping extravaganzas.  What are you looking forward to doing more of this fall?

Cheers to a vintage life well lived.
Jessica and Julie

(All images via flickr)

Time to tidy up the joint.

As the air begins to feel a bit more crisp, my nesting instincts kick into high gear.  As much as I love to tidy up the house and get things back in order after a hectic summer of kids and crafts, I become sad knowing the warm weather will soon disappear and we will all hibernate for the winter.

But since winter is a fact (at least in our neck of the woods), we might as well get organized to help ourselves stay a bit more sane. Here are some great ways to use vintage items to corral all the “stuff ” in your life…

We have loads of suitcases, boxes small and large, frames, totes and trays in the store to help make that “organization station” either on the desk or in the corner of the kitchen a little more interesting to look at.  We also like to use items like pottery to corral all the “extra small stuff”, and magazine racks work great for holding the mail or kids paperwork from school.  The options are endless!  So instead of dreading all the work, think of it as a time to get creative and start using all those ordinary items in not so ordinary ways.

Cheers to a vintage life well lived.

Jessica and Julie

(Yes, I know I'm obsessed with pinterest, but it's all in the name of good design!  And yes, all images are via pinterest😉

An ode to color…red and yellow.

Just when you thought you couldn’t make it another day, red and yellow popped into your life…

Well, hopefully that’s the boost you needed to get through the rest of the week.

Happy Hump Day and cheers to a vintage life well lived.

Jessica and Julie

(All images via pinterest)

A few pretty pictures.

I thought I'd start off the week with some pretty images I have been pinning lately.  They are all modern vintage spaces, which is my favorite.  I like a good mix of clean lines and vintage character .

I know they're kind of random, but they make me happy, so I thought I'd share them with you all.  Also, notice that almost every image has a good amount of vintage artwork.  We at Gather & Collect have a slight obsession with vintage artwork both at home and in the store.  Come visit us this weekend to see our large collections of vintage artwork…or just to say hi!

Cheers to a vintage life well lived.

Jessica and Julie

(All images via my pinterest)

Vintage Kitchen Inspiration

As I mentioned in my previous post, on Monday we began a major kitchen renovation, so naturally I've been scouring the interwebs for inspiration as to how I can make a new kitchen feel “not so new.”

Here are some images I came across…

I'm now noticing that every single one of the images I posted contain an eat in kitchen in some way, shape or form…which unfortunately will not work for us since our kitchen is tinier than you can imagine.  Really.  But a girl can dream.  So I will dream about old farm tables, mixed matched chairs, beautiful vintage inspired pendant lighting and vintage rugs.  Over all a not-so-perfect, perfect kitchen.  One thing I would have done different if space would have allowed would be to have open shelving instead of upper cabinets.  BUT, what I can do is add vintage touches with vintage pottery, old tins, vintage trays and maybe a large chalkboard made from an old frame.  And you can bet I'll be shopping for most of these items at the fabulous Gather & Collect;)  It's times like these when having a store comes in real handy!  The details of a space usually come together slowly for me because I like to find things that are just right instead of rushing into anything.  But I can be patient…sometimes;)

So, tell me…what are some ways you have made your new kitchen feel not-so-new?  Do tell.

Cheers to a vintage life well lived.

Jessica and Julie

All images via Pinterest.

Vintage Pottery

I apologize for the lack of posts the past few days, but we started a major kitchen project on Monday which required me to manically clean the rest of my house in order to stay sane.  I'm sure you can relate.  BUT, I feel organized, freshly inspired and ready to share some pretty pictures with y'all.

Take a look at all this beautiful vintage pottery.  What a great way to jazz up a corner, armoire, entryway table, bathroom/kitchen cabinet.

I'm not sure what it is about vintage pottery that instantly makes a room feel calm, fresh and lovely.   Wouldn't you agree?

Stop on in this weekend and take a look at our beautiful collections of vintage pottery in all shapes, colors and sizes.  Maybe you could find something to complete that already existing collection, or start a new collection.  What are your favorite color combinations?

Cheers to a vintage life well lived.

Jessica and Julie